Powder micropigmentare pentru sprâncene

Powder Brow

aceasta tehnica este pentru cei care prefera o spranceana mai accentuata, dar totuși doresc o textură naturală, moale

Fac acest lucru prin infuzarea culorii pentru a crea forma sprâncenelor perfecte, oferind o definire moale sub cresterea naturala a parului. Imită aspectul convențional, spranceana machiata cosmetic, cum ar fi cea creionata și umbrita, dar fără a fi nevoie de a reaplica în fiecare zi.

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Sezonul Reducerilor


Micropigmentarea (machiaj permanent) este o procedura cosmetica sau paramedical care are drept scop de a corecta, modifica, înfrumuseța sau echilibra caracteristicile naturale ale clientului.

Micropigmentarea este un domeniu in continua crestere. An de an tehnologia atinge nivele superioare de lucru, pigmentii au culori si texturi din ce in ce mai apropiate de natural si usureaza mult munca tehnicienilor. 

Este un domeniu in care in fiecare zi, cu fiecare client descoperi ceva nou, iti imbogatesti nivelul de lucru. Sa faci un client multumit prin armonia trasaturilor in asa fel incat 

imperceptibil sa ii oferi un plus de eleganta este un elogiu adus tie si meseriei tale, zi de zi.

Cu toate acestea, sprancenele cresc ca si parul, dar nu toate părțile cresc în același ritm. Pot exista zone unde sprancenele noastre sunt mai groase în unele părți și mai fine în altele, ceea ce înseamnă că trebuie să le dam o atenție constantă.




Acest lucru este creat prin adăugarea de diferiti pigmenti de culoare și umbrire, pentru a crea un efect 3D natural. Foarte fine, firele de par artistice, care imita parul real, se combina in mod natural cu genele, pentru a da accesoriu, simetrie și o formă frumoasă.

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Află mai multe la o sedință de tratament

Beauty Lips

Avantajele folosirii tehnicii de micropigmentare a buzelor fata de folosirea rujului sunt:

  • „rujul” nu se mai intinde si nici numai poate fi „mancat”
  • nu mai exista neregularitati sau discontinuitati in colorarea buzelor
  • nu veti mai lasa urme de ruj pe pahare si cani
  • nu veti mai avea bataie de cap cu desenarea conturului ori de cate ori aplicati ruj
  • veti putea merge linistita la piscina sau la mare pentru ca apa nu mai constituie o problema
  • alergiile la cosmetice nu mai sunt o problema

Daca veti dori sa folositi vreodata ruj, atunci este bine sa stiti ca tatuajul buzelor nu limiteaza culoarea de ruj pe care o alegeti, deoarece pigmentul se afla sub piele. Totodata, de multe ori, folosirea glosului este suficienta pentru a avea buze frumoase.

Este util insa ca inaintea sa alegeti culoarea dorita pentru dermopigmentarea buzelor sa va ganditi ca peste o culoare intensa de pigment introdus in piele, este mai dificil sa aplicati o culoare foarte deschisa de ruj, si ca aceasta din urma va fi totusi usor influentata ca si intensitate de catre pigmentul aflat in piele. Deci, daca in general preferati o culoare neutra de ruj, este bine sa optati pentru o culoare asemanatoare pentru tatuaj.

Tatuaj permanent pe buze

Detalii despre procedura

Procedura de micropigmentare a buzelor poate dura intre doua si trei ore, depinzand de complexitatea lucrarii (doar contur, contur plus marire de volum, pigmentarea totala a buzelor).

Din punct de vedere al confortului in cadrul procedurii, aceasta este de la foarte putin dureroasa la nedureroasa, deoarece se folosesc creme anestezice. Minim 30 minute din timpul alocat procedurii sunt petrecute stand cu anestezic pe zona buzelor, pentru ca acesta sa isi faca efectul optim.

Siguranta sanatatii clientilor nostri este garantata de utilizarea de ace sterile si sigilate, si de pigmenti de cea mai buna calitate, testati dermatologic.

In exemplele de mai jos puteti vedea cum un tatuaj semi-permanent pentru buze, realizat corect, a ajutat la corectarea unui contur mai vechi realizat gresit.

De asemenea, mai jos, puteti vedea cum s-a folosit tehnica tatuajului pentru o usoara marire si totodata o corectie a formei buzelor, ceea ce a dus totodata la un lifting aparent al acestora.


Special Face Makeup


Prime your face. Before you add any makeup you need to prime your face. The purpose of a face primer is to enhance the appearance of makeup and increase the longevity.You can apply the primer with your fingers, covering your whole face with a small amount. The primer will also help your makeup up stay on all day. If you are going to sweat, run, or do anything that will cause your makeup to wear off or smear, primer is a necessity for you.

There are several types of foundation[4], but they are generally applied the same way. Liquid, cream, and powder foundations all act to create a more even complexion, working to create an even base for your other makeup. Use a foundation brush or damp beauty sponge to apply foundation to your face, blending into your neck and earlobes if necessary. Keep in mind that your foundation should be the same color as your natural skin tone, not much darker or lighter. It helps to match your foundation to your chest and neck so your face isn’t a different color than the rest of your body. You never want a harsh line from your jawline to your neck. This is very unnatural and gives a harsh and unblended finish, which is not what you want. Choosing a color that matches your skin always helps.

  • You can use a concealer brush to add a little extra foundation to cover up stubborn blemishes.
  • Liquid foundation can be applied with your fingertips, although this is more likely to introduce bacteria to your skin and cause future breakouts.

The purpose of concealer is to even out uneven skin tone as a result of blemishes or dark under-eye circles. You can also use a concealer in a shade slightly lighter in your skin tone to brighten dark areas or high points of your face. Use a concealer brush or your (clean) fingertips to blend concealer on your undereye area in an upside-down triangle shape, down the bridge of your nose, chin, the center of the forehead, and above the upper lip. You can use a shade matching your skin tone to cover any red areas or over any acne or dark spots. Blend the edges of your concealer so it seamlessly blends into your foundation.

Micropigmentare Buze 2020

What is aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils from plants to improve the mind, body, and spirit. It is used by patients with cancer to improve quality of life and reduce stress, anxiety, pain, nausea, and vomiting caused by cancer and its treatment. Aromatherapy may be used with other complementary treatments like massage therapy and acupuncture, as well as with standard medical treatments, for symptom management.Essential oils are the fragrant (aromatic) part found in many plants, often under the surface of leaves, bark, or peel. The fragrance is released if the plant is crushed or a special steam process is used.

There are many essential oils used in aromatherapy, including those from Roman chamomile, geranium, lavender, tea tree, lemon, ginger, cedarwood, and bergamot. Each plant’s essential oil has a different chemical make-up that affects how it smells, how it is absorbed, and how it affects the body.Essential oils are very concentrated. For example, it takes about 220 pounds of lavender flowers to make about 1 pound of essential oil. The aroma of essential oils fades away quickly when left open to air.

How is aromatherapy given or taken?

  • Indirect inhalation: The patient breathes in an essential oil by using a room diffuser, which spreads the essential oil through the air, or by placing drops on a tissue or piece of cotton nearby.
  • Direct inhalation: The patient breathes in an essential oil by using an individual inhaler made by floating essential oil drops on top of hot water.
  • Massage: In aromatherapy massage, one or more essential oils is diluted into a carrier oil and massaged into the skin.

Essential oils may also be mixed with bath salts and lotions or applied to bandages.There are some essential oils used to treat specific conditions. However, the types of essential oils used and the ways they are combined vary, depending on the experience and training of the aromatherapist.In laboratory studies, tumor cells are used to test a substance to find out if it is likely to have any anticancer effects. In animal studies, tests are done to see if a drug, procedure, or treatment is safe and effective in animals. Laboratory and animal studies are done before a substance is tested in people.


Micropigmentare sprâncene Claudia Bonte

Last year, Americans spent nearly $17 billion on spa services. A lot of that money went toward facials: treatments that claim to remove blemishes, combat wrinkles, moisturize, regenerate, tighten and otherwise beautify the skin so that your face looks fabulous.But is there evidence to support the claims (and costs) of these treatments? Experts say it depends on the type of facial, where you have it performed and the skin benefit you’re hoping to get out of it.

“I was at this beautiful spa in Santa Fe, and the esthetician giving me a facial said the next citrus emollient she was going to apply would help cleanse my liver,” recalls Ushma Neill, editor-at-large of the Journal of Clinical Investigation and vice president of scientific education and training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. “I almost sat up in disbelief.”

That experience, Neill says, prompted her to investigate the existing science on spa facials. She published her findings in a 2012 report. Her conclusion? “I realized just how useless it all was,” she says. “I haven’t had a facial since I wrote that article.”

Neill says she doesn’t dispute claims that facials can temporarily revamp the skin by “moisturizing it to the max” and removing pimples and other blemishes. But when it comes to many of the fancier, pricier services that claim to combat aging or inflammation—everything from ozone and antioxidant treatments to stem-cell extract applications—most of that stuff is “complete malarkey,” she says.

Other experts reiterate that point. “As a dermatologist, I see a lot of patients with misperceptions about different creams and procedures and the whole concept of facials,” says Dr. Joel Cohen, an associate clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Colorado and director of AboutSkin Dermatology and DermSurgery near Denver.Apart from moisturizing the skin, Cohen says most topical creams are unlikely to provide much lasting benefit—especially if applied sporadically and only in a spa setting. And while some chemical peels that use substances like salicylic or glycolic acid can help stimulate skin cell turnover and repair, Cohen says proper daily skin care—regular cleansing and applying moisturizer and sunscreen—are a lot more likely to be helpful.



Choose hair colors one to two shades darker than natural color for natural results. For more dramatic results, go for shades two to four shades darker. If this is your first time dyeing your hair, you may want to try using temporary or semi-permanent dye rather than permanent dye.

  • Temporary dyes tend to wash out after one shampoo.[1]
  • Semi-permanent dyes will wash out after 20 to 26 shampoos.
  • Permanent dyes may fade, but they usually stay in your hair until it grows out.

Highlights are essentially the opposite of lowlights. Highlight colors should be one to two shades lighter than your natural hair color. For more dramatic results, go for shades three to four shades darker.

  • You may need to bleach your hair to highlight it, which is best done in a salon.

Divide your hair into five sections. Make sure your five sections are roughly even. There should be one section on the top of your head. Then, on either side of your head, separate the hair into two sections. When you’re done, you should be left with one section of hair on top and four sections on the sides. Use rubber bands or hair clips to secure your hair.[2]

  • In other words, you should have three sections in the front of your head, and two in the back.

Use the slicing method to separate hair for a more dramatic look. Let down one of the sections. Starting at the top of the section, insert the end of your comb through your hair. Only a very thin section of hair should be on top of the end of the comb. Remember that for both highlight and lowlights, you should apply dye to very thin chunks of hair.


Hair Cutting

A hairstyle, hairdo, or haircut refers to the styling of hair, usually on the human scalp. Sometimes, this could also mean an editing of facial or body hair. The fashioning of hair can be considered an aspect of personal grooming, fashion, and cosmetics, although practical, cultural, and popular considerations also influence some hairstyles.

The oldest known depiction of hair styling is hair braiding which dates back about 30,000 years. In history, women’s hair was often elaborately and carefully dressed in special ways. From the time of the Roman Empire until the Middle Ages, most women grew their hair as long as it would naturally grow. Between the late 15th century and the 16th century, a very high hairline on the forehead was considered attractive. Around the same time period, European men often wore their hair cropped no longer than shoulder-length. In the early 17th century, male hairstyles grew longer, with waves or curls being considered desirable.

The male wig was pioneered by King Louis XIII of France (1601–1643) in 1624. Perukes or periwigs for men were introduced into the English-speaking world with other French styles in 1660. Late 17th-century wigs were very long and wavy, but became shorter in the mid-18th century, by which time they were normally white. Short hair for fashionable men was a product of the Neoclassical movement. In the early 19th century the male beard, and also moustaches and sideburns, made a strong reappearance. From the 16th to the 19th century, European women’s hair became more visible while their hair coverings grew smaller. In the middle of the 18th century the pouf style developed. During the First World War, women around the world started to shift to shorter hairstyles that were easier to manage. In the early 1950s women’s hair was generally curled and worn in a variety of styles and lengths. In the 1960s, many women began to wear their hair in short modern cuts such as the pixie cut, while in the 1970s, hair tended to be longer and looser. In both the 1960s and 1970s many men and women wore their hair very long and straight.In the 1980s, women pulled back their hair with scrunchies. During the 1980s, punk hairstyles were adopted by many people.


Spa salons

The term is derived from the name of the town of Spa, Belgium, whose name is known back from Roman times, when the location was called Aquae Spadanae, sometimes incorrectly connected to the Latin word spargere meaning to scatter, sprinkle or moisten.

Since medieval times, illnesses caused by iron deficiency were treated by drinking chalybeate (iron-bearing) spring water (in 1326, the iron-master Collin le Loup claimed a cure,when the spring was called Espa, a Walloon word for “fountain”).

In 16th-century England, the old Roman ideas of medicinal bathing were revived at towns like Bath (not the source of the word bath), and in 1596 William Slingsby who had been to the Belgian town (which he called Spaw) discovered a chalybeate spring in Yorkshire. He built an enclosed well at what became known as Harrogate, the first resort in England for drinking medicinal waters, then in 1596 Dr. Timothy Bright after discovering a second well called the resort The English Spaw, beginning the use of the word Spa as a generic description.

It is commonly claimed, in a commercial context, that the word is an acronym of various Latin phrases, such as salus per aquam or sanitas per aquam, meaning “health through water”.This is very unlikely: the derivation does not appear before the early 21st century and is probably a backronym as there is no evidence of acronyms passing into the language before the 20th century;nor does it match the known Roman name for the location

Some of the earliest descriptions of western bathing practices came from Greece. The Greeks began bathing regimens that formed the foundation for modern spa procedures. These Aegean people utilized small bathtubs, wash basins, and foot baths for personal cleanliness. The earliest such findings are the baths in the palace complex at Knossos, Crete, and the luxurious alabaster bathtubs excavated in Akrotiri, Santorini; both date from the mid-2nd millennium BC. They established public baths and showers within their gymnasium complexes for relaxation and personal hygiene. Greek mythology specified that certain natural springs or tidal pools were blessed by the gods to cure disease. Around these sacred pools, Greeks established bathing facilities for those desiring healing. Supplicants left offerings to the gods for healing at these sites and bathed themselves in hopes of a cure. The Spartans developed a primitive vapor bath. At Serangeum, an early Greek balneum (bathhouse, loosely translated), bathing chambers were cut into the hillside from which the hot springs issued. A series of niches cut into the rock above the chambers held bathers’ clothing. One of the bathing chambers had a decorative mosaic floor depicting a driver and chariot pulled by four horses, a woman followed by two dogs, and a dolphin below. Thus, the early Greeks used the natural features, but expanded them and added their own amenities, such as decorations and shelves. During later Greek civilization, bathhouses were often built in conjunction with athletic fields.

Ce este micropigmentarea?

Micropigmentarea este o tehnică automată ce presupune introducerea pigmentului în straturile superioare ale pielii.

Sprâncenele create prin această procedură arată după vindecare ca și cum ar fi fardate/creionate.

Există mai multe opțiuni de micropigmentare pentru sprâncene în funcție de intensitatea și designul care ți se potrivește:powder, shading,ombre și hybrid.

În cele ce urmează, iți voi prezenta câteva dintre lucrările mele. Este posibil ca sprâncenele să ți se pară mult prea intense imediat după procedură însă acesta este un efect normal.

La o distanță de 5-7 zile de la ședința de micropigmentare, sprâncenele își reduc intensitatea cu până la 30% și sunt echilibrate din punct de vedere al intensității.

Toată procedura se realizează cu consumabile sterile de unică folosință

Sănătatea și siguranța ta sunt prioritatea mea înainte de a începe procedura efectivă de micropigmentare a sprâncenelor. Toate consumabilele pe care le folosesc sunt sterile, de unică folosință și le desigilez de în fața ta.

Cât costă micropigmentarea?

Prima ședință, cea în care realizam forma și pigmentarea inițială a sprâncenelor tale, costă 500 RON.

Cea de a doua ședință care se realizează la o distanță de 4/6 săptămâni față de prima, are rolul de a corecta mici imperfecțiuni sau de a adăuga intensitate.

Prețul acesteia este de 250 RON. Se consideră retus ședințele secundare efectuate la maxim 30 de zile de la efectuarea primei ședințe, după aceea prețul diferă fiind vorba despre întreținere sau corecție.

Folosesc cei mai rezistenți pigmenți de pe piață

Pentru procedură folosesc cei mai rezistenți pigmenți de pe piață, certificați și folosiți de cei mai renumiți specialiști la nivel international. Pigmenții pe care îi folosesc rezistă foarte bine în timp.

De-a-lungul timpului s-a întâmplat că unele cliente să nu aibe nevoie de retuș datorită calității superioare a pigmenților folosiți.

Etapele micropigmentării

Înainte de a începe ședința de dermopigmentare, discutăm cu privire la tehnica, forma și intensitatea pe care ți-o dorești pentru viitoarele tale sprâncene.Iți răspund cu drag la întrebări și alegem împreună procedura compatibilă cu fizionomia și dorința ta.

Cea de a doua etapă include desenul în creion al sprâncenelor și aplicarea cremei anestezice pentru un disconfort cât mai mic (durerea resimțită în timpul dermopigmentării este asemănătoare pensatului clasic).

Pasul trei este reprezentat de dermopigmentarea efectivă. Aceasta se face gradual adăugând treptat intensitate zonei pe care se lucrează. În timpul pigmentării efective se folosește deasemenea anestezic sub formă de gel menit să crească confortul tău.

Procedura se încheie prin curățarea și hidratarea zonei dermopigmentate. Un aspect foarte important este parcurgerea, împreună cu tine, a sfaturilor de îngrijire – 30% din reușita procedurii ține de modul în care sprâncenele sunt îngrijite după efectuarea procedurii.